This county facility accommodates various characteristics of the criminal justice system (criminal, civil, sentenced and pre-sentenced, adults and minors, male and female, parole and probation violators, and state ready incarcerated persons.

Mission Statement

    Article 20, Section 500 of the N.Y.S. Correction Law as it applies to the County of Rockland requires the jail to be serviced and maintained by the Office of the Sheriff.

    In addition, the jail must be maintained and meet standards set forth by N.Y.S. Laws as well as standards and laws set forth by the N.Y.S. Commission of Corrections, U.S. Statues and the U.S. Constitution.

    The Rockland County Correctional Center will accept all individuals legally remanded to the custody of the Sheriff from all State and Federally constituted Courts and law enforcement agencies at every level of government.

    The Rockland County Correctional Center will provide detention facilities for males and females over the age of 16 who are either awaiting trial or sentenced to serve one year or less and who have been legally committed by a judge.

    The Rockland County Correctional Center will additionally provide a secure, safe, human, well managed, cost efficient, low profiled facility for individuals temporarily removed from society until legally released.

    The Rockland County Correctional Center shall be designed, managed, administered and staffed in order to insure that staff, inmates and visitors are physically, emotionally and psychologically supported while in the facility.

    The Rockland County Correctional Center shall provide for its incarcerated individuals the basic human needs of food, clothing, shelter, health, religion, recreation, family visitation and by offering counseling, education and release preparation services to aid in the incarcerated individual's return to the community.


Visitation Information

Rockland County Sheriff's Office

55 New Hempstead Rd.

New City, NY 10956
